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Impaired Driving

Knowledgeable DUI Lawyer in Abbotsford

Driving impaired and under the influence of alcohol is a serious crime and carries potentially frightening consequences. Driving under the influence of alcohol can put you and others at great risk. Therefore, strict laws are in place to heavily penalize offenders. If you are charged with DUI (driving under the influence) or DWI (driving while under the influence), you should hire a capable DUI lawyer to protect your license and keep you from serving jail time. Richard D. Ballantyne has experience dealing with driving-related charges in Abbotsford and can offer legal support for your case. 

Mr. Ballantyne can handle all aspects of your case from beginning to end. He will protect your interests and aim for the best outcome possible while helping you navigate through the legal process. Call today to book a free consultation and discuss your case.

Be Weary of Traffic Offenses

Impaired driving charges are serious and can have detrimental consequences on your driving record. Charges can involve jail time, hefty fines, and driving license suspension. Each situation surrounding impaired driving charges is unique. Mr. Ballantyne has a thorough and practical understanding of the law and may give you the edge you need in your case.

Facing DUI Charges?

Get assistance for your legal concerns by hiring an experienced DUI lawyer.

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